MeerKAT Holography Measurements in the UHF, L, and S bands

M. S. de Villiers (2023): MeerKAT Holography Measurements in the UHF, L, and S bands, 1, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory,

Data release for MeerKAT Holography Measurements in the UHF, L, and S bands, de Villiers (2023) (published in ADS).

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beam_orientation_diagram.pdf Interpretation note: diagram showing the orientation of supplied beam measurements relative to the sky.180B
MeerKAT_U_band_primary_beam.npz Numpy file containing UHF-band MeerKAT primary beam, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from January 2020 until January 2022. 33G
MeerKAT_L_band_primary_beam.npz Numpy file containing L-band MeerKAT primary beam, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from January 2020 until January 2022. 33G
MeerKAT_S0_band_primary_beam.npz Numpy file containing S0-band MeerKAT primary beam, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from February 2021 until February 2022. 33G
MeerKAT_S4_band_primary_beam.npz Numpy file containing S4-band MeerKAT primary beam, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from February 2021 until February 2022. 33G
MeerKAT_U_band_primary_beam_metrics.npz Numpy file containing UHF-band MeerKAT primary beam derived metrics, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from January 2020 until January 2022. 27MB
MeerKAT_L_band_primary_beam_metrics.npz Numpy file containing L-band MeerKAT primary beam derived metrics, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from January 2020 until January 2022. 27MB
MeerKAT_S0_band_primary_beam_metrics.npz Numpy file containing S0-band MeerKAT primary beam derived metrics, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from February 2021 until February 2022. 27MB
MeerKAT_S4_band_primary_beam_metrics.npz Numpy file containing S4-band MeerKAT primary beam derived metrics, 60 degrees elevation, 15 degrees Celsius, averaged from February 2021 until February 2022. 27MB
uband_jones.mp4 Video file showing the U-band primary beam Jones matrix changes with frequency. 4MB
lband_jones.mp4 Video file showing the L-band primary beam Jones matrix changes with frequency. 4MB
sband_jones.mp4 Video file showing the S-band primary beam Jones matrix changes with frequency. 5MB
uband_stokes.mp4 Video file showing the U-band primary beam Stokes parameter response changes with frequency. 7MB
lband_stokes.mp4 Video file showing the L-band primary beam Stokes parameter response changes with frequency. 7MB
sband_stokes.mp4 Video file showing the S-band primary beam Stokes parameter response changes with frequency. 11MB
uband_pol.mp4 Video file showing the U-band primary beam instrumental polarization response changes with frequency. 3MB
lband_pol.mp4 Video file showing the L-band primary beam instrumental polarization response changes with frequency. 3MB
sband_pol.mp4 Video file showing the S-band primary beam instrumental polarization response changes with frequency. 4MB

This data release was issued on January 2023