MIGHTEE-polarisation Early Science Data Release

A.R Taylor, S. Sekhar, L. Heino, J. Collier (2023): MIGHTEE-polarisation Early Science Data Release, 1, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, https://doi.org/10.48479/tedr-jf87

Data release for The MeerKAT 1.3 GHz Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud, Taylor et al. (2023) (link to paper).

Download Description
COSMOS_pybdsf.fits The raw pybdsf source finding output for COSMOS. Sources in this file are within 0.5 degrees of field centre are analysed for spectropolarimetry.
COSMOS_poldetections.fits Catalogue of derived properties for sources from COSMOS_pybdsf.fits that show detections in RM Synthesis.
COSMOS_allsources.fits Catalogue of derived properties for all sources from COSMOS_pybdsf.fits within 0.5 degress of field centre.
COSMOS_spectra.fits Spectro-polarimetric data for sources in COSMOS_allsources.fits
COSMOS_MFS.IQUV_r-0.5.fits IQUV multi-frequency synthesis image of the COSMOS pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
COSMOS_cube.IQUV.fits IQUV spectro-polarimetric cube for the COSMOS pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_pybdsf.fits The merged raw pybdsf source finding output for XMMLSS pointings. Sources in this file are within 0.5 degrees of the pointing in which they were detected.
XMMLSS_poldetections.fits Catalogue of derived properties for sources from XMMLSS_pybdsf.fits that show detections in RM Synthesis.
XMMLSS_allsources.fits Catalogue of derived properties for all sources from XMMLSS_pybdsf.fits.
XMMLSS_12_spectra.fits Spectro-polarimetric data for sources detected in the XMMLSS_12 pointing.
XMMLSS_13_spectra.fits Spectro-polarimetric data for sources detected in the XMMLSS_13 pointing.
XMMLSS_14_spectra.fits Spectro-polarimetric data for sources detected in the XMMLSS_14 pointing.
XMMLSS_12_MFS.IQUV_r-0.5.fits IQUV multi-frequency synthesis image of the XMMLSS_12 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_12_cube.IQUV.fits IQUV spectro-polarimetric cube for the XMMLSS_12 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_13_MFS.IQUV_r-0.5.fits IQUV multi-frequency synthesis image of the XMMLSS_13 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_13_cube.IQUV.fits IQUV spectro-polarimetric cube for the XMMLSS_13 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_14_MFS.IQUV_r-0.5.fits IQUV multi-frequency synthesis image of the XMMLSS_14 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.
XMMLSS_14_cube.IQUV.fits IQUV spectro-polarimetric cube for the XMMLSS_14 pointing. The image has not been corrected for the primary beam.

This data release was issued on November 2023